Do you have a distended stomach problem? You can try yoga exercises to shrink the stomach. This exercise can help overcome your problem, so you can appear more confident.
For those who are trying to shrink the distended abdomen, various yoga movements to shrink the stomach can be an option. Because this exercise is not only able to eliminate fat in the stomach, but also makes the body healthier, fitter and full of energy.
A Series of Yoga Movements to Shrink the Stomach
The reason yoga is an exercise choice or a way to shrink the stomach may be because some yoga movements can improve the health of the digestive tract and reduce gas in the digestive tract. By doing yoga, stress that can trigger an increase in the hormone cortisol which affects the accumulation of fat in the stomach can also be overcome properly. Yoga movements that can affect digestive health and reduce stress levels, one of which is the sitting motion (either cross-legged or straightened) then turns to the right and left. This movement can help overcome flatulence and expel excess gas in the stomach. Some other yoga movements can also expedite the flow of oxygen and blood to the digestive organs. Intrigued by the variety of yoga movements to shrink the stomach? Look carefully at some of the movements below:Tadasana and urdhva hastasana
Tadasana is a basic movement that can be one of yoga postures to shrink the stomach. How to do this movement is very easy. Stand upright on a yoga mat, then spread your arms to the side until straight. Slowly and while taking a breath, raise both hands up so that the position is straight and merged above the head. Hold in that position for a long time, then put both hands into position while exhaling.
Then, proceed to the Urdhva hastasana movement. The trick, spread your arms above your head, with the tips of the two middle fingers meeting together to form like a triangle. Then, lean your body to the left and hold for at least five seconds. Do the same thing to the right. Make sure your feet stay flat on the floor
Janu sirsasana
This movement is done to overcome the gas trapped in the digestive tract and relieve severe stress that affects the accumulation of fat in the stomach. To do this, sit in an upright position then straighten your right leg forward and bend your left leg into your right thigh.
While breathing in, raise both hands up. Exhale while leaning forward toward your right foot. Bend your body so that your hands can touch your feet and your chin is not far from your knees. Hold this position for 1-3 minutes and do the same for the next leg.
This yoga movement is also able to overcome stomach problems such as abdominal pain due to excess gas or flatulence. This movement can be started by laying down on the mat, then take a slow breath while placing both hands on the thighs. Then slowly, pull your knees toward your chest, with your hands as if hugging your knees. Lift the upper body slightly, hold it in position for about 5-10 seconds, then release.
The next movement may require a little effort, but you don't need to force yourself to achieve the perfect attitude from this one yoga movement. The trick, sitting with legs straight ahead. Then slowly lower your head towards your knees. Place your palms next to your feet. This movement is not only believed to affect the smooth digestion, but also can help relieve stress.
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