Do you have a distended stomach problem? You can try yoga exercises to shrink the stomach. This exercise can help overcome your problem, so you can appear more confident. For those who are trying to shrink the distended abdomen, various yoga movements to shrink the stomach can be an option. Because this exercise is not only able to eliminate fat in the stomach, but also makes the body healthier, fitter and full of energy. A Series of Yoga Movements to Shrink the Stomach The reason yoga is an exercise choice or a way to shrink the stomach may be because some yoga movements can improve the health of the digestive tract and reduce gas in the digestive tract. By doing yoga, stress that can trigger an increase in the hormone cortisol which affects the accumulation of fat in the stomach can also be overcome properly. Yoga movements that can affect digestive health and reduce stress levels, one of which is the sitting motion (either cross-legged or straightened) then turns to the right...